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Increase in system availability

You can never have enough power

Improving plant availability requires a holistic approach that includes both technological solutions and organizational measures.

The combination of predictive maintenance, condition monitoring, automation and well-trained personnel can significantly increase plant availability.

In addition, optimized spare parts management and continuous process improvements help to minimize downtimes and maximize productivity.

Please contact us and we will work with you to develop a suitable concept for your system.
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Brochure Tailored maintenance strategies

Demand-oriented maintenance strategies - monitoring, control, forecasting

Increasing plant availability is crucial to maximizing efficiency and productivity in industrial operations. Here are some key measures that can help improve plant availability:
Predictive maintenance
The implementation of predictive maintenance is one of the most effective methods for improving plant availability. By using sensors and data analysis, machines can be continuously monitored and maintenance requirements can be identified in good time. This makes it possible to carry out targeted maintenance work before breakdowns occur.

Key benefits

  • Minimization of unplanned downtimes
  • Extension of the service life of machine components
  • Reduction of maintenance costs through targeted measures
Condition monitoring
Continuous condition monitoring of machines helps to identify deviations and potential problems at an early stage. Condition monitoring systems collect data on temperature, vibration, pressure and other relevant parameters and issue alarms when critical values are reached.

Significant advantages

  • Increase in operational safety
  • Early identification of wear or defects
  • Optimization of maintenance plans based on actual machine conditions
Automation and digitalization
The automation of processes and the integration of digital technologies can significantly increase the efficiency of systems. By using modern control systems and Industry 4.0 solutions, production processes can be optimized and bottlenecks avoided.

Key benefits

  • Reduction of human error
  • Real-time monitoring and rapid response to faults
  • Improved process control and transparency
Staff training and further education
Well-trained staff are essential for the smooth operation of systems. Regular training and further education ensure that operating personnel are informed about the latest technologies and methods and can work efficiently.

Key benefits

  • Increased competence and responsiveness in the event of malfunctions
  • Better use and maintenance of the systems
  • Promotion of proactive maintenance behavior
Optimized spare parts management
Effective spare parts management is crucial for minimizing downtimes. Well-organized warehousing and rapid availability of critical spare parts can significantly reduce machine downtime in the event of breakdowns.

Significant advantages

  • Shortening of repair times
  • Avoidance of production downtimes
  • Reduction of storage costs through optimized inventories
Regular maintenance and inspection
In addition to preventive maintenance, regular inspections and maintenance should also be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. This helps to continuously assess the condition of the machines and plan necessary maintenance work at an early stage.

Key benefits

  • Ensuring machine availability
  • Avoidance of unexpected breakdowns
  • Maintaining machine performance at a high level
Process optimization and continuous improvement
The analysis and optimization of operating processes is another important factor in increasing plant availability. By continuously improving processes and procedures, bottlenecks can be identified and eliminated.

Key benefits

  • Increased efficiency and productivity
  • Reduction of downtimes through better process design
  • Improvement in overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
Introduction of efficient fault management
An effective fault management system enables system faults to be recorded, analyzed and rectified quickly. Clear communication channels and defined processes can shorten the response time in the event of faults.

Significant advantages

  • Reduction of downtimes
  • Improved reaction speed in the event of faults
  • Systematic analysis of the causes of faults to prevent future problems
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