Division KELLER
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News from the ICS business unit can be found here

"Doppelkopfturnier" on 24.01.2025

This year, the donation from the internal "Doppelkopfturnier" will go to the Hospizverein Ibbenbüren e.V. The association is dedicated to outpatient hospice and palliative care. Many thanks to everyone involved!

Februar 18

KELLER at the 61st "Würzburger Ziegellehrgang" 2024

"Würzburger Ziegellehrgang" is the event of the year that enjoys a very high status in all brickmakers' calendars.

The main task of the established Würzburg brick course was and is to help pass on new knowledge about the constantly improving production technology of the natural product brick and to train those responsible for the development of the brick both in production and with research results.

In addition to current topics on energy and CO2 savings, many other topics relating to the manufacture of brick and clay products as well as individual special topics were examined from a research and practical perspective. In addition to imparting knowledge, there was ample opportunity for exchanging experiences and networking between the presentations and at the evening event.

Our colleague Rainer Hüsing gave an excellent presentation on KELLER's innovative strength with our lecture on “Electrification from the plant manufacturer's perspective” and a further lecture on “Energy-optimized firing concept based on a specific example”. The large number of inquiries and interesting discussions with the participants confirms that KELLER is on the right path to climate neutrality.

We are very proud that KELLER is valued in the market as one of the most innovative companies in the energy transformation of the ceramics industry. Last but not least, we have a broad network in industry, research and politics.

Dezember 19

Heavy Clay UK 2024

On November 27, the Heavy Clay 2024 trade fair took place at the Staffordshire County Showground. KELLER took part in this event for the first time together with Rieter/Morando. This trade fair was a good opportunity to present our innovations in machine and process technology.

Furthermore, topics on energy saving and CO2 minimization were discussed extensively with the professional audience.

Dezember 19

The 70th Clemson Brick Forum 2024 - a fixed date for KELLER

From September 30 to October 1, 2024, the Clemson Brick Forum took place for the 70th time in Anderson, South Carolina. Once again, all the well-known representatives of the US brick industry were present to discuss innovations and new developments in the brick industry. The forum offers brick manufacturers and plant engineers the opportunity to review the past and discuss the future. In addition to the technical programme with many interesting specialist presentations, the forum ends each evening with the traditional hospitality programme, which gives participants the opportunity to meet and discuss their topics in a relaxed atmosphere. The forum was rounded off with the traditional steak barbecue. In addition to a small exhibition area, the KELLER team was also represented this year by Torsten Bärtels and Ulrich Hagemann. A big thank you goes to our US representative MECO - The Manufacturers Equipment Company from Middletown, Ohio for their great support.

Oktober 14

KELLER and Rieter Morando at the KazBuild in September 2024 in Almaty, Kazakhstan

From September 4 to 6, the leading construction trade fair in Kazakhstan took place at the Atakent exhibition center. The 30th International Trade Fair for Construction and Interior Design, the KazBuild 2024 in Almaty. Our participation at the KazBuild took place via the German government's foreign trade fair program. Together with Rieter Morando, the trade fair was a complete success for our company. During the three days of the fair, the KELLER booth was very busy.

September 24

Ceramic products shape our future

was the focus of this year's 27th Eurosymposium. On September 11 and 12, the KI Keramikinstitut in Meissen welcomed colleagues from all areas and production stages of ceramics. KELLER was cordially invited to contribute to the event with a presentation on energy-related topics. We gladly accepted this invitation and informed around 100 interested listeners with the topic “Transformation of the energy system - best practice: realized heat recovery concepts”. Based on two realized examples, we were able to show that KELLER provides the entire implementation of heat recovery projects. Starting with the recording and evaluation of energy flows, through project planning to the complete engineering, delivery, installation and commissioning of the plants. In addition to the Climate Protection Act, which stipulates greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045, the Energy Efficiency Act (EnEfG § 17) is increasingly focusing on measures to reduce waste heat flows and increase energy efficiency.

Further information on recording waste heat flows can be found here: https://www.keller.de/en/ics/service-products/technology-for-waste-heat-measurements/

September 17


This year, KELLER took part in the International Trade Fair for the Plastics and Rubber Industry in Shanghai from 23 to 26 April for the first time. Martin Peters, Area Sales Manager BU IMS and our representative in China, German Tech Co. Ltd., were able to hold numerous promising discussions, so that the success story of the film skiving machine can continue. The fair is the region's most important platform for showcasing the latest market trends, breakthrough technologies and innovative solutions for the plastics and rubber industry, with the 3 main themes in 2024: Smart Manufacturing, Innovative Materials and Eco-Friendly Solutions. In 2024, 321879 visitors and 4420 exhibitors were counted.

Mai 02

On a visit - Turkish Brick and Tile Association TUKDER

As part of Ceramitec 2024 (9-12 April 2024), we welcomed the Turkish Brick and Tile Association TUKDER on Thursday. The 17 guests were welcomed by Gian-Stefan Marchisio, Ralf Köper and Ulrich Hagemann in Munich. After a visit to Ceramitec the day before, two factory tours were on the programme on Friday. At Schlagmann, we had the opportunity to accompany the entire production site from the pit to the preparation and the normal production process. In the afternoon, we then had the opportunity to visit the Walther roof tile factory in Langenzenn. Here, too, we had an insight into all areas of the site. Especially in Plant 4, with the degree of automation and the firing in the single-layer process, we were able to show KELLER technology at the very highest level. Many thanks to the hosts, Schlagmann and Dachziegelwerk Walther.

April 12

280 years of experience in the heavy clay industry

This month, the KELLER division celebrated the 150th anniversary of Rieter Morando and the 130th anniversary of KELLER - 280 years of experience in the heavy clay industry are more than enough reason to raise a glass and invite our customers to a great event in Munich.

You can find the video here: https://youtu.be/fgV5QNQUnwg?si=gVelvMto8mHvgw7t

April 11

Climate neutrality in the manufacture of heavy clay products

KELLER ICS - KELLER sees climate neutrality in the manufacture of heavy clay products and digitalisation in the brick and tile industry as the key challenges facing the sector. The KELLER technical article ‘Climate-neutral firing process 4.0 in the clay brick and tile industry’ in the current issue 01/2024 of ZI Brick and Tile Industry International explains the current status of research and development results for a climate-neutral production process and provides an outlook on further development opportunities for energy saving.


April 01

KELLER participates in the state programme

As a participant in the state programme, KELLER has signed the charter on reconciling work and care and is a reconciliation partner. The care guide person at KELLER provides initial information and orientation on the compatibility of work & care on a collegial basis and informs about external assistance and regional counselling networks.

Balancing work and care is becoming increasingly important. The number of people in need of care and thus the number of family carers is continuously increasing. The employment rate is also rising steadily. Consequently, the group of working family carers is growing. At the same time, the lack of qualified personnel continues to worsen in many companies.

There are currently 1.2 million people in need of care in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). Most of them are cared for at home by their relatives. In many cases, these carers are employed: An estimated 500,000 working people in NRW care for relatives, partners or friends in addition to their job. It is our responsibility as an employer to take into account the demographic development of society on the one hand and, above all, the needs of our employees who take on care responsibilities on the other.

November 08

Clemson Brick Forum 2023

The 69th Clemson Brick Forum was held in Anderson, South Carolina, USA, from 2 to 3 October 2023. All the well-known representatives of the US brick and tile industry were present to exchange information on innovations and new developments in the brick and tile industry. The forum offers brick and plant manufacturers the opportunity to review the past and discuss the future. The Forum closes each evening with a hospitality event, which offers participants the opportunity for intensive exchange on the topics on the agenda. As in previous years, KELLER was represented by Torsten Bärtels and Ulrich Hagemann. Besides a small exhibition area, they presented the following topic to the participants of the event: 'KELLER’s holistic approach towards energy efficiency and decarbonization’ The extensive technical programme was rounded off by the traditional steak cookout. KELLER supported the event again this year as 'Queen Size Sponsor'. We would like to thank our US representative MECO - The Manufacturers Equipment Company from Middletown, Ohio for their considerable support.

Oktober 18

KELLER HCW has successfully conducted hydrogen firing test under real operation conditions

At the Hagemeister clinker bricks production plant in Nottuln (Germany), bricks were fired with hydrogen under real conditions in a joint project with several partners. This positive and pragmatic success places KELLER now in a position to deliver burner technology for hydrogen operation, together with the required control and safety technology. And thus, it is doing justice to its ambitious claim of increasing energy efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions in the bricks and tiles industry.

The test operation with hydrogen is part of the research project

September 15

Burning Roads 2023 - cycling for a good cause

Burning Roads 2023 - cycling for a good cause

In 2023, our colleagues Karl-Heinz Alfing and Thorsten Schnetgöke participated once again in

Juli 31

AGM - BU ICS / MAS - The 60th Annual General Meeting and conference of the Clay Brick Association of

From the 25th to 28th of May 2023 the Annual General Meeting of the CBA was held at the Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. This year KELLER was represented by the CEO Mr. Andrea Pasquali and the Area Sales Manager MAS Mr. Dirk Heuer. Mr. Pasquali presented to the southern African clay brick industry the innovative KELLER Division within the Groupe Legris Industries with its pioneering achievements of machinery equipment, process technology and robotics since the foundation of Keller in 1894. This presentation was rounded off with the holistic approach of KELLER to CO2 neutralization in the clay brick industry. Following this, Mr. Heuer presented the new Business Unit Market Adapted Solutions, explaining that the objective of the Business Unit MAS is to support Southern African clay brick manufactures by providing market adapted solutions for the production of clay bricks under the consideration of local production conditions. These presentation of the KELLER Division was followed up with many promising conservations about the News at KELLER until late in the evening. Technological discussions, surrounded by the stunning nature of the Victoria Falls made this event to a great success for all participants.

Juni 07

From Westphalia to the world

We consistently follow market requirements' - true to this maxim, KELLER HCW GmbH from Ibbenbüren in Westphalia has become an internationally sought-after machine and plant originally focussed on the brick and tile industry and today has gained experience for and today uses its experience for various other industrial sectors.

Read our contribution in the Business Forum: https://www.wirtschaftsforum.de/interviews/keller-hcw-gmbh/von-westfalen-in-die-welt

Juni 02

Future Day 2023

On April 27, some students got a taste of our apprenticeship professions. The nationwide campaign day (formerly "Girls'Day, Boys'Day") for girls and boys is held every school year at all general education schools for grades 5 - 9. On this day, students are given insights into various professions that are suitable for expanding the traditional, gender-specific spectrum of possible professions for girls and boys. They can take part in activities in companies, colleges and institutions and are thus encouraged to explore professions that they themselves usually do not consider. Four girls and eight boys visited KELLER. In the morning, the young people were given an insight into the professions of industrial mechanic and industrial clerk. After a small snack, at this point a big thank you to Burger Bench https://burger-bench.de/ for the great preparation, they went on to the areas of electronics technician and ceramics laboratory. It was an exciting and informative day! Many thanks to all!

Mai 11

April 28: World Day for Safety and Health at Work

The annual World Day for Safety and Health at Work promotes the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases worldwide. It is an awareness campaign designed to draw international attention to the scale of the problem and how promoting and creating a culture of safety and health can help reduce work-related deaths and injuries.

As an employer, we are responsible for ensuring that the work environment is safe and healthy.

Mai 11

Pure gas burner without primary air

Type HT

The Keller HT burner was developed for use in the ceramic industry to support the challenges of CO₂ reduction and to increase the energy efficiency of the plants. As a true clean gas burner without external combustion air addition, the HT burner uses the existing kiln atmosphere > 750 °C for the combustion of various fuels. Thanks to its innovative mixing nozzle, the fuel gas is optimally mixed with the furnace chamber atmosphere and thus ensures complete combustion.

März 21

EcoVadis certification

KELLER receives the EcoVadis certification in silver.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) aims to firmly embed the issue of the environment and social responsibility into the company's processes, products and services. By implementing CSR, the company commits to positively impacting society and the environment while remaining economically viable. The goals are achieved with the help of employees, customers and suppliers. The provider of sustainability and CSR ratings EcoVadis today rates a network of over 75,000 companies around the world. The basis of the ratings is a documentation check carried out by EcoVadis, which is based on size, industry and country. Companies are assessed against 21 criteria in the environmental, social and ethical areas, as well as in terms of supplier relations. This year, we will continue to improve in the areas of quality, environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.

März 21
Press contact:
Carl-Keller-Strasse 2-10
49479 Ibbenbüren, Germany
+49 5451 85-229
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